Classroom visits: A youth services librarian would be happy to come to your class for a 30-minute storytime visit or a tailored learning activity related to a subject you're working on. We have weekday availability, working around in-library events. Please email hannahkm [at] mounthorebwi.info to discuss scheduling a time.
Want to bring a group to the library for a tour or to work on a project? We want you and your students to be familiar with your public library! We try to make the experience both fun and informative and will work with you to accomplish whatever goals you have for your students.
Need specific materials or multiple copies? Your librarians are happy to help! Feel free to email mhpl [at] mounthorebwi.info or call us at 608-437-5021. We can place holds on specific titles from the 54 libraries we share materials with, or gather items on a subject from what we have on the shelf and have them ready for pickup at your convenience. You can also request items online yourself! Here's a quick video on how to place holds using your online library account.
Need materials for longer than four weeks? We are able to extend due dates for items owned by MHPL. Please speak to the Help Desk staff about your unit timeline when checking out.

Materials for a unit of study? We'd be happy to gather books/DVDs/audio/games on the relevant topics for your unit and have a display ready for students to check out. We also have a variety of learning kits available for checkout.
Decodable books: We have a new and growing collection of decodable books for readers to practice specific phonics skills.
Looking for materials in Spanish (or other world languages)? We have a collection of Spanish books on the shelf at our library, and are able to request materials in many world languages through our library system, including Hmong, Chinese, Hindi, Ukrainian, and more.
Can't find a title you want? We may be able to request a copy from outside our system or purchase it to add to the collection.

Group library card sign-up: Part of any good field trip to the library includes the ability to browse and check stuff out! To simplify this process for the group and library staff alike, we ask that teachers or other group leaders pass out library card applications and return completed forms to the library at least one week prior to the scheduled visit. Children’s applications must have a parent or guardian signature. This allows staff sufficient time to process the applications and ensures there can be immediate use of the cards on the day of the visit. Library card applications can be delivered to your school or organization.
Organization/School Library Card: These cards allow teachers and daycare providers to borrow materials for classroom use separately from their personal library account. While our library does not charge overdue fines, the school/organization is still responsible for any lost or damaged items. Teachers, if you'd like to make use of your school's organizational card, please speak to your school admin about adding your name to the school's account. Admin, if you would like to create an organizational card for staff to use, please contact us and we will help you through the process.
Have a question? Please reach out to mhpl [at] mounthorebwi.info or call the library at 608-437-5021 and we'll be happy to help.